iPhone 13 Pro Max Rear Camera Repair



iPhone 13 Pro Max Rear Camera Repair


MyPhoneSolutions understands how important your iPhone 13 Pro Max is to you, and how unfortunate it is to find it broken. If you need Rear Camera Repair from a team of reliable and professional technicians, look no further than MyPhoneSolutions.


After checkout, you’ll receive an email confirmation and shipping label. When your phone arrives at our repair center, we do diagnostic tests to determine if any other issues are at play. Outgoing testing ensures that your iPhone 13 Pro Max is fully functional. With the repairs complete, we send you a tracking number and ship your iPhone 13 Pro Max back to you!

Shipping Your iPhone 13 Pro Max

To estimate shipping, use the calculator below. We advise you to ship your device in a sturdy and secure box. If it sounds like it is rattling, add some additional padding. You should not include any cases, cables, or accessories.

Choosing Your Rear Camera Repair Option

There are two options for this service, each with a different price. If your device has just broken glass lens covers, you may choose rear camera lens only replacement which comes with a 1-year warranty. If your internal camera components are damaged or your rear camera is not functioning, you will need to choose the Apple OEM replacement option. This has a 90-day warranty.

Questions? Just Ask.

Do you have any questions about Rear Camera Repair from MyPhoneSolutions? Just ask them in the box below, and we’ll get back to you. Alternatively, you can always reach us via our support phone number or email

NOTE: Computer pictured above may not necessarily match your exact model. Your replacement part or parts will match your specific device.